Monday, October 15, 2007

Potlucks Overdose 2

The second one wasn't justified. It was just FUN.

No time to write. Let the photos tell the story.

20:40 People are still normal

20:45 Dinner time

Ken's cabbage pork roll - YUM YUM

Weiyuen n Weichi's Bulgogi Wrap - Slurrrp

Nat's Salted Pork - It really tastes good with rice!

Jack's pizza... 没有诚意:(

My Choc Biscuit - see-weet see-weet lar

22:30 People started to get crazy

4 Girls who are still decent. Nat not included.

26 a pek acting cute, again

Mentally retarded

Sean! Dance! Dance!

It's Ken's Geisha time!

Nat's pole dance. Hey, sexier pls!

00:00 People were drunk

Erm... Sheryl, are you alright?

Damien, you're too young for alcohol.

Not decent anymore.

02:00 These are sooooooo wrong!

Ken, were you taking advantage on Damien?

As usual

Chandra, I was just returning your licks~ I'll remember that you said I'm dry. Hmphhh...

03:30 Crazy night ended.

Hey, pls refresh my memory bout our phone conversation.  

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