Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
陶晶莹 《我爱故我在》 新书预购开跑啦!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
My Inspiring Senior
I have been admiring this senior - not in a romantic way duh - since long ago. Because she endures longer than the Everlasting Energizer Bunny.
During our high school days, she was never the most outstanding person. She worked very hard, behind the scenes. She seldom got on stage and received applauses like we did. While people were leaving the group due to stress and failures, she stood firmly in her position working day and night and sometimes midnights. Never asked for more and never did less.
And her lips maintained curving up.
She is still the same person. Never ending routine such in radio shows, drama scripts, column articles and live events consume her time but not her passion. Despite countless editings, she treats her script in full enthusiasm and shares me her joy. After years of being a music chart DJ, her eyes still sparkle when she talks about Evan Yo's latest album.
The only difference is she's now dazzlingly bright.
Having a kind and loving heart, she is not always treated the same way. *Curse gao gao those who hurt her* She falls a lot. She must have cried too. You know, pisces. Don't worry though. She will come back in her perfect state and get ready for her next fight.
With her lips upward.
I meant it when I said "I salute you". Not just because of being a 豬籠草. XD
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
愛 情是和權力相斥的。有時候,我們一頭栽入愛情,便失去了掌控的權力。我們的生活作息、身心靈、喜怒哀樂,幾乎都不歸自己管了。如果碰到的是一個懂得同等回 應、愛妳疼妳的人,那麼妳便會置身天堂;反之,便如同在煉獄爬行,他偶爾的略施小惠,是妳心甘情願的原因,我想,妳是碰到了後者。除了少數「幸運」的人 (事實上,我不覺得那叫做幸運!)沒在愛情路上受過折磨、遇到壞人之外,大部分的人多多少少都吃過些虧。
我和我的女性友人們,都曾遭 遇過。騙錢的、背叛的、撒漫天大謊的、有家室的、有秘密的、有病的??,多到怪到妳欲振乏力,欲哭無淚;當然,不瞞妳說,在那當下,我們也想要死過─但當 我們抱著朋友哭、抱著馬桶吐、抱著酒瓶睡,行屍走肉 一兩 個月後,突然就好像被雷打到一樣:我在幹嘛?那個人哪裡好?一點都不值得我頹廢!而且,看多了爛咖,妳就能免疫,然後能一眼看到好男人,找到幸福。為一個 不珍惜妳的人而死,不但不值得,他們也不會有太多感覺。
這兩週,台北陰雨連 綿,我的女兒荳荳異位性皮膚炎便發作了。小小的屁股、雙腿、手肘和腕部,充滿了小小的顆粒。一天兩次,她爸爸拿著藥膏細細擦遍全身;但臨睡前,發病的部位 更是奇癢難耐,於是,我和她爸便得擔任「搔癢大隊」,用搓、用擦,而不可用抓的,才能暫時止癢而不會抓破皮導致惡化擴大。這樣搓搓擦擦,總要兩三個小時, 她才能好好入睡。
每天早上,她要上學。她已經很有主見地選擇要穿什麼;外面 32℃ ,她吵著要穿羽絨衣;低溫 15℃ ,她說要穿衝浪褲配拖鞋(學她爸)??,每天光為了出門,我們得勸說她好久。餵她吃飯更是難上加難。她已經夠瘦了,卻不喜歡吃東西。往往一頓飯要恩威並施 地搞個兩個小時,才勉強吃完一碗;我們追著餵、哄著餵、嚇著餵,腰也痠了、嗓子也啞了。
Monday, September 7, 2009
Giraffe and Friends
Friends have been telling me how great this place is, and it took me three visits to finally get into the cafe. =.=
Visit their website for the exact opening hours to avoid disappointment..
Friday, September 4, 2009
我上大学的时候有幸参演了一齣属于亚洲女同志的舞台剧,亲身见证她们的故事。这齣舞台剧名为‘Wild Orchids’,以中国古代的金兰姐妹为引言,现代女同志的心理挣扎为故事主线,兰花作为标志,喻示着同性间的情愫自古已有,至今却仍无法自由呼吸。
导演从小就是个男子头,不喜欢长发、不喜欢裙子、不喜欢胸部、不喜欢男生。离开了家庭的束缚,她在墨尔本毅然剪了帅气超短发,束起了自己的胸部,当起了Butch (指作为男性的女同志)。她请了不知情的家人前来观赏我们的舞台剧,并在落幕致词时说:“我很爱你们,我很想让你们看到真正的我,我很希望你们能接受这个样子的我,”我们在后台清楚地听见她的哽咽。
Sunday, August 16, 2009
这个困扰了很久的问题是:“到底我应该申请永久居民证,留下来发展,还是回到Tanah tumpahnya darahku?”我想,这应该是海外留学生都常常在考虑的问题吧。通常,只有在两种状况下这个问题不值一提。要嘛,那个人很讨厌马来西亚;要嘛,那个人很讨厌他所在的‘外国’。而我,即爱马来西亚也喜欢墨尔本。
相反的,在墨尔本工作收入高、福利好,工作逾时文化(OT)也不太盛行,就连寄钱回家兑换率也来得比较值得。虽然纳税较高,但至少能确保它值其所用 – 用于促进公共措施或是协助边缘社群,而非促进贪腐文化或是鼓吹政治闹剧。
比如,凌晨3点钟还可以待在24小时的Mamak档‘吹水’。比如,椰浆饭是用蕉叶包着的。比如,我说‘Pakcik,你酱都不懂what I mean?’的时候,有人真的知道what I mean。 又比如,在这里晒太阳是流汗而不是刺痛的、所谓的下大雨真的是滂沱大雨而不是绵绵细雨。这些都不是什么有深度的精神层面,而是人生而最简单的需求 – 亲切与熟悉。
电话突然响起。表姐告诉我大姑丈心脏病猝逝。当时,他的家人在韩国旅游,只有一个儿子还留在家里。 不,我不是特别的难过,毕竟和大姑丈相处不多。但是,如果那个人不是大姑丈,而是我的婆婆、甚至是我的父母呢?
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
把头埋进黑色空隙 身体在叫
手 脚 脸 背
一划 一痕 一瘀 一印
赤裸的 身体在叫
凌晨4点听见的步履 心在低号
往昔的熊抱只剩下威斯基的味道 心在低号
一吼 一喝 一拳 一脚
从前的 心在低号
好几次 他拿着钥匙 看着长满杂草的前院
那几次 他拿着钥匙 望着钢琴上的照片
四,三,二, 开了门
你 听见了吗?
Monday, August 3, 2009
阳光逐渐崭露,我们沿着雅拉河(Yarra River)走向目的地 - 亚历山大花园(Alexandra Garden)。我们报了名参加澳洲各地在5月10日同时举行的Mother’s Day Classic母亲节义跑活动,为乳癌研究筹款。哦不,看我这个死懒猪的样子,当然不是去跑。我们担任那种‘运动量低、贡献率高’的角色 – 志愿工作者。
我们被分派的工作是将赞助的礼袋分发给每一位参赛者。志愿工作者当然也会拿到一份,我和朋友们就一副贪小便宜的样子,兴奋地翻着袋子,想看看里头有什么。礼袋中有苹果、果汁、折扣券、预防乳癌册子和那个酷似乳房的水壶。还有一枚粉红色的奖牌,上面有朵精致的花瓣,刻着09’ Mother’s Day Classic,纪念着我们在母亲节这一天作了一件有意义的事。
Friday, July 17, 2009
当我等待着和她一起摇滚一起High的时候,吉他弦一拨,她竟然唱出怀旧动人的First of May。是喝酒太多的缘故吗?她的嗓子是沧桑沙哑的。又或者,她的外表只是一种武装。我就这样猜测着。
Friday, June 19, 2009
词:陈乐融 曲:陈国华
記住這裡永遠還有我 陪你渡過
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
你 准备 让他 分裂而生了吗?
镜子爆裂后 分生。
我不確定 幾個我 住在心里面
偶爾像敵人 偶爾像姐妹
灰色的音樂 塞滿黑夜 High的像麻醉
好讓翻攪的胃 安靜一點 忘了全世界
分裂前的熱淚 分裂后的冷眼
越愛誰 越防備 像只脆弱的刺猬
分裂中的心碎 分裂后的假面
不快樂 不傷悲 情緒埋藏成了地雷 等待爆裂
開始的熱烈 不停奉獻 后來剩決裂
謊言吞噬了心 帶來刺痛 撕裂的蛻變
分裂前的熱淚 分裂后的冷眼
越愛誰 越防備 像只脆弱的刺猬
分裂中的心碎 分裂后的假面
不快樂 不傷悲 情緒埋藏成了地雷 等待爆裂
Monday, June 15, 2009
Prose Poem 1 - I Should Have Treated You Better
I know it wasn’t easy. I was unreasonably unpredictable. I lingered on you so much during autumn and desolated you in July winter. You, in the corner of the room, gave me a sorrowful glance. No, I did not forget the sleepless nights you spent with me – enduring deadlines and Red Bulls. It’s just that, I did not know how to return your favour.
Was it revenge? It was on Bourke you disappeared. Then you came back with scars and dirt. You were so cool, ignoring my care and tears. No matter how I pled and bent, you remained in your upright posture. And showed me your blue screen of death.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
A Bu Den...自己不知道自己曾经讲过什么,或是即将在睡梦中讲些什么,不是一件很可怕的事情吗?
比如说,我梦到自己和朋友遇上了洪水,大喊:”阿花!走啦你!快点走!” 和我同房的花小姐当然不会看到我的梦境,必然有她自己的另外一番诠释。循着‘日有所思。夜有所梦’的思考,她或许会认为我嫌她这人很烦,要赶她走,但平时不敢告诉她,结果都在睡梦中透露出来了。想太多是不是?但是又何奈?人就爱这样。
Friday, May 22, 2009
Villaneille 2 - Once a Month
in your diary.
Serve her chocolates.
She loves Latin
but for those days she's not ready,
mark down the dates.
Oh not tangerines!
When she becomes bossy,
serve her chocolates.
You can barely imagine,
it's like a punch in your belly.
Mark down the dates.
She'll lose her grin.
She might even get dizzy.
Serve her chocolates.
No matter how keen
don't ask for lingerie.
Mark down the dates,
serve her chocolates.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A Japanese form of poetry. Consists of three lines and 17 syllables (5-7-5). It changes a bit in English though.
This is my first attempt. I try to interrelate 3 haikus here:
Ruthless glare -
carton crumpled hands
two dollars.
Two dollars
thrown in rusty bowl -
a day's meal.
A day's meal
beside Knox City -
ruthless glare.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
People like Us
Who don't read newspaper everyday
Who know neither Nizar nor Sivakumar
Who spend most of the time studying and partying
Who have our lives focused in another country
Are not interested in BN or Pakatan, at all.
But we don't feel comfortable when gatherings aren't allowed
We fear dark nights without candles
We hate being unable to speak
We are disgusted when wearing black has to go into jail
And we have to rethink is it a place to be.
A more responsible citizen I shall be
Who snatch my right to dress in black
I'll vote you out.
We will vote you out.
Monday, April 20, 2009
My Greatest Fear
at the door. In her uncombed hair and
soy sauce stained apron, she looked
I smelt Bak Kut Teh. “Who are you
looking for?” she asked
from the door gap. I held her hands,
fingers crossed.
Fingers crossed
on one hand, a Hello Kitty bag
on the other, She walked me to the school gate
every morning.
I held her hands, fingers crossed.
Led her to the couch
where she read newspaper and had a pot of Chinese tea.
Flipping through the photo album, I pointed at
a photo
set in a playground, she was holding
a little girl’s hand, fingers crossed.
“I’m looking for them.” I said.
I knocked at the door.
“Sorry, my girl has gone to school.”
For once
I looked familiar to her.
“Would you want me to give her a call?”
Politely, she asked. I shook,
passed her
a dozen of egg tarts.
“Your daughter asked me to send you these”
“Oh my girl, she has not visited me for months!”
She exclaimed with joy
and tears. I prepared her the tarts
at the dining table where we had
countless dinners
where we quarreled
about my studies,
where we gossiped
about the divorced aunty,
she forgot who I am.
I came every day.
I knocked at the door.
Once more.
Took out the keys from my bag
and unlocked the door, all by
Someone left the photo album on the dining table.
A mom and her girl, fingers crossed.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Try it out!
1. 6 stanzas, 19 lines.
2. A1 and A2 keep appearing in the poetry.
3. a has to rhyme with a. Similarly, b has to rhyme with b.
This is an experiment I did with a classmate (Basically we took turns 'filling the blank'):
A1 Pretty woman walking down the street
b with a chocolate ice-cream she bangs in
A2 ugly man with two big feet
a Two big feet and a stained shirt
b in the pocket a butterfly hair pin
A1 Pretty woman walking down the street
a It's not a good time to flirt
b He still has to go to gym
A2 Ugly man with two big feet
a He says to her, his voice is curt
b "Your sleeves are like the golden fish fins"
A1 Pretty woman walking down the street
a She hates fish and he feels hurt
b He has no idea about his previous life's sin
A2 Ugly man with two big feet
a The ice-cream now lies in the the dirt
b He stands alone in the wind
A1 Pretty woman walking down the street
A2 Ugly man with two big feet
Ok, I know. RANDOM.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Here in My Home
Just 4.25 minutes
It can be done
while you're taking
the oath. I'll tell you
what it's all about
One love undivided
that's what it's
all about. Malaysia and Malaysians
There’s just one hope
here in my heart
here in my home
Just 4.25 minutes
Switch on the player
while you're taking a shower
One love undivided
That's what it's
all about. Malaysia and Malaysians
If politics can't solve
Give way to arts
here in your heart
here in your home
Malaysian, Yi Hui Tan
Rap Translation -
[Bahasa Malaysia]
Bertubi asakan berkurun lamanya
Hati ke depan mencari yang sayang
Years of fears and years of tribulation
The heart keeps searching for that endless devotion
shou qian shou da jia yi qi zou
wo dai biao hua ren kai kou wei lai jiu mei you diu zou
Hand in hand we’ll march like blood brothers
I speak for my people we’ll find peace forever
inthe payanam payanamm yen vettri thaagam
anthee kaana kaalam naam vetri raagam...nanba nanba
May the road ahead quench my thirst for success
May the road behind echo a song of the blessed
Yes I feel it in my bones and I will let it be known
No matter where I roam this is home sweet home Sing!
Words & Music by Pete Teo
featuring rap by KLG Sqwad & Altimet
by Malaysian Artistes for Unity
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
TADA Radio

I am TADA!
So KITSCH's readers, when there's a lack of updates in this blog, you can find me there. :P
It's a multilingual (mandarin, canto, and english) podcast center.
More visitors = more sponsors = more $$ = we can expand the business!!
Support support yea! ------>
Oh yea, if you've any comments or just finding somewhere to spam, kindly visit our forum. ^^
Monday, March 30, 2009
Free Verse
Line breaks are the defining feature of this form of poetry. It does not break according to conventional punctuations. Instead, it breaks if there's a hesitation of thought, or to double the meaning of the word, or to further emphasize the word, or plainly for the sake of the visual on the page. Weird huh? But fascinating.
Here goes my first free verse:)
TV was playing Hong Kong
drama. The living room always had
kids, aunties, and gossips.
The lead actor, in tuxedo,
slapped his mom. Tears rolled
out of orbit. Aunty Lina
sat silent and still.
Silent and still,
her boy left last week.
and still, she did not ring
him. Silent and
still, he did not tell
where he's gone.
It's bulletin
time. Didn't matter
to her, how many relatives came.
Celebration of birthday;
Invitation to wedding ceremony;
Delivery of
baby. Where has he gone? In the cradle,
he slept silent and still.
Silent and still,
thumb leaned on lips cosily.
and still, she stayed awake
looking at the gem of
love. Silent and
still, he did not tell
where he's gone.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
1st Poetry Attempt
We had a tutorial about Sonnet. So we spent 15 minutes on writing our own Sonnet - the 14 lines alien - and here goes mine:
Mr. Christ walked into the tunnel
Cats' scratches, dogs' barks, that's all I heard
He screamed, he cried, he wept, he startled
Out from the dark hole wiping his bloody beard
In his eyes, there's no fear
Pulling the tails all along the rail
In his eyes, there's no gentle
Kicking the bodies to unblock his trail
Tripped over a stone, he knelt down
Shall he get back to the picturesque town
Picking pebbles from the ground
Playfully lifting his sister's gown
Never be lied you are sealed off danger
Tunnel-trained Mr. Satan is the true ranger
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Boleh Land, a fan of Adidas
1957 has taught us NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.
And, we've been embracing it till today.
Murderer does not need to be put on trial.
Money is used to earn votes.
Kidnapping is an ideal way of taking possession.
Frogs decide the future of a state.
Najis (it means SHIT in Malay) is thrown everywhere, causing chaos and stench.
Apa lagi yang tak boleh?
Malaysia Boleh.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Google Latitude, it's too close dude!
It can be used on your mobile or your computer to locate someone. Yea, someone - your friend, family, colleagues, or rivals - who opted in to Latitude.
A great tool for control freaks heh?
Google team said, "So now you can do things like see if your spouse is stucked in traffic on the way home, notice that a buddy is in town for the weekend, or take comfort in knowing that a loved one's flight landed safely, despite bad weather."
Which means you are not able to tell your boss you are stucked in traffic while you are still brushing your teeth at home. Which means you can't say "Sorry dear, I'm in a meeting" while you are busy partying with your friends. Which meansYOU ARE UNDER SURVEILLANCE.
Come on, there's nothing wrong to be honest to your wife and be responsible to your job.
Come on! Everyone needs a break! Telling a small or white lie isn't so bad right? Sometimes, it's not about being truthful or not. It's about "Oh please!STOP BUGGING ON ME!"
So for each person, you can choose to share your best available location or your city-level location, or you can hide. Everything is under your control.
People always lose control when they overestimate their control force and underestimate the anti-force. Imagine yourself telling your girlfriend, "sorry but I can't share my location with you." I dare not imagine what will come next. Prepare to get in a quarrel debating how much you love her.
Or, when your boss asks you to switch on the Latitude so that he can increase effeciency (the actual reason is to make sure you are not having a coffee in Starbucks at 3.30pm) would you ever dare to say NO? No.
So yea, you areNOT IN CONTROL.
Ah ha, another fun function here."For instance, let's say you are in Rome. Instead of having your approximate location detected and shared automatically, you can manually set your location for elsewhere — perhaps a visit to Niagara Falls ."
Now I don't understand the usage of Latitude.
Oh one last thing. You are able to hide yourself from another user, but not from Google. Will they ever pass on the information to the government like how they dealt with Chinese Government regarding the cyber dissidents?
I'm too insignificant to worry about this issue la. Anwar, take care lo.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
As Simple As This
Nah, not that I've got more angpaus or won more in mahjongs.
Day 29 before CNY, also known as 小年夜, my mom brought some clothes for my cousins in grandma's house. Then we decided to have a 'costume-party-like reunion dinner', which meant all of us had to wear the clothes with that particular brand.






Yea yea... I know... WULIAO (is 'lame' the right translation?)!!! Isn't it great when you are able to wuliao with your family members like how you do with your friends?
p/s: I'm extremely sorry to my dear cousins who have posed in their best smile. I only needed your... erm... BOOBS. And guys, you missed out the fun.
Present you my dearest family! My grandma has three sons... So 1, 2, 3, yeap! Three tables!



I reckon they are not good posers. As you can see, the shyness is in the genes.
K. Fast forward to CNY Day 2. All the aunties came back. So yea, more cousins, nieces, and nephews.
After peng-ing and gong-ing with my cousins, we were gathered in the living room to witness Tan Family very own historical moments.
Ah Heong gor gor from Singapore played a VCD. "Gong gong!" shouted Ah Keng jie jie. Looking at the right hand corner of the video, it's 1996.
I could still remember the days that I greeted my grandfather who was making rafia strings on his ratan chair in front of the house. I was very short - 140cm - back then (not like I'm very tall now). I'd call him 'gong gong' and he'd ask me 'jiak ba bui'. I wish I could speak better Hokkien. It has been 2 years since I last visited him in Nirvana.
The camera was panned to the living room. It was almost the same as 2009. Green marble floor, telephone with pens and notepads to take vegetable orders, an altar against the wall, and a 24 inch TV. Oh, the sofa was replaced with new ones as children loved torturing the sofa by jumping/climbing/hopping up and down.
Ah MM - my aunty (大伯母) came in from the kitchen. She was trying to cover her face as well as the camera. She's so nervous that she could not decide which to cover. As I mentioned, shyness is in the genes. She was the mother, the lady boss, the chef, the babysitter... literally everything of the family. She has gone. Glad to see her on TV.
We couldn't stop laughing throughout the video. All our stupid, childish, and naughty moments were caught. A 9 years old girl was encouraging her younger brother to fight with another cousin. "Hit him! Hit him!" I said. Now I know, my hand being bitten or my hair being pulled by Guo Yi were retributions.
Then, another devil came upon. He was pointing my cousins and yelled, "this is 38 gong and this is 38 po", reminding us my elder brother was a big bully. Those being bullied were in the living room too. Haha, it's time to take revenge guys.
The younger generation - most of my nephews and nieces - were the non-participants of 1996. But they enjoyed the show very much. "See, that's your mommy! Gosh, so young!". "Was I in the tummy?" he asked. "No, your parents were still playing hide-and-seek at that time." All burst into laugther.
Hey, start recording your special moments from now on. Think about the idea of sharing your youth with your children years later, how wonderful.

All enjoying 'Tan Family in 1996'. Happiness is just as simple as this.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
虾皮 牛耳!!!
在此送上马来西亚寰宇电视(ASTRO)的当家花旦萧慧敏主演的新年MV - 《庆祝》!首担MV女主角,她即迅速获得了影后的衔头,前途不可限量!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
My Radio 3
1. Bye Bye Mariah Carey
Introduced by Lyssa.
A note to those who have lost their love ones:
'Lift ya head to the sky, we will never say bye.'
2. 写给自己的歌 黄义达
The cuti-cuti guys love this song. Wonder why.
Maybe it's emo enough for the currently-single guys (Derek excluded) while encouraging enough for them to be a man? XD
我一个人走 一个人看透 一个人受
路我自己选择 我一个人走
3. 最幸福的事 梁文音
Listen to her voice and look at the video. It tells all.
4. 属于 梁静茹
Ok ok... I know lots of ppl are crazy over this song. Esp when it comes in a bundle with the drama 《幸福的抉择》. Nah... I haven't seen the drama as the pace is too SLOOOWWW for me.
Anyway, my friend has been asking
The answer is in the song too.
May you be blessed with happiness.
5. 没有如果 梁静茹
Despite the copyright debate, I like this song!
Fish is exploring her voice.
如果我说 爱我没有如果
错过就过 你是不是会难过
如果我说 爱我没有如果
真的爱我 就放手一搏
还想什么 还怕什么
Hope you'll like it.=)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Art of Hugging
Hug of gf is like saying 'Can't live without you'
Hug of parents is 'Don't worry about me. I'm a man now.'
Quoted from a friend in msn.
I'll try fulfilling my promise. :)
A Delayed Response
I was talking to mien in the car on the 5th hour of year 2009, about how impossible it is to live those years again. Then I looked back to my posts in 2007 and 2008. Again, they kept rambling about how hard to believe. To believe again.
Yea, I have equated the courage to believe with the recur to past. False maths.
Believe is something I, or maybe us, (still) strongly hold, just that it takes a different process. 5 years ago, we drew an overly definite line between things to believe and things not to believe. For eg, statement comes out from org. A can be trusted while those from org. B must be doubted. Or, people and thoughts that support our ideology are great whereas those against are shit. (hah, maybe ideology is too grand a word used but I can't find a better one to describe our near-extremism.)
The line was scrapped off all of sudden. We were all adrift, struggling to grasp a buoy in the sea. 'How to judge' is a question we asked most as our initial judgement scheme lost its credit.
We have found ours isn't? We analyse before we believe. We are ready to challenge what used to be right and rethink what used to be wrong. We have our values and we know which to hold and which can be given second thoughts. We know we can't give in all but we'll try giving the enough amount. We are heading towards the balance between rationality and sensibility. Or maybe, these are all yet to be achieved. They might not be the right path, but they're the chosen path.
We've never changed in believing. We changed the way of believing. So, keep it up my friend.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009